Wednesday, August 25, 2010


This past Sunday, Pastor Clark challenged each of us to FULLY experience and bask in the purest form of God's Love for 7 days. Although the challenge seems easy, it really got me thinking about times when I truly experienced God's unconditional love. Love is something I've seen, read & sang about, believed in but have I ever experienced it? The answer is 110% yes! Most recently with our journey with Braxton & Molly. I've thought a lot about them this past week. There is no doubt in my mind that I experienced God's love and grace thru that entire journey, especially the night before and the day we returned him to his mother's arms. John & I had the opportunity to grasp onto heart ache, anger, depression, bitterness but instead we chose to cling tightly to God's love. "But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love: for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble" Psalm 59:16
So keeping on the subject of are some things Turner loves~

Turner LOVES his papa and so do I! We are so incredibly blessed & lucky to have John lead our family with such heart & character.

playing outside..especially in the dirt and grass
jumping off rocks

running all over the back fast that it's hard for mommy to catch me!
Turner loves to sing! We listen to KLOVE on the way to Ms Kathy's each morning and he is usually singing & clapping along in the back seat! I'm sure we are a sight to see!
Some of his favorites are "Jesus loves Me", "Skinamerick a dink a dink", "You are my Sunshine", "Itsy bitsy spider" and most recently the chorus to "Don't worry be Happy"
the splash park in Norman
Oh so much fun!
Eating carrot cupcakes!
green popsicles
playing hide n seek with mommy and his sissy's
Reading books....and lots of books. Anything with tractors or trucks on them seem to be his top choice these days. We read him 3 books at bed time..but lately we've been reading the same book 3 times over and that does the trick~
sitting on the potty...we haven't started potty training yet, but we just pretend
being silly and making mommy laugh!
Some more things Turner loves
his feet being rubbed
bath time
climbing on just about anything
pears & apples
drinking from a "big" cup
zoo & the monkeys
acting like a dog or a frog
watching for airplanes


Melodie said...

i love the scripture you posted from psalms. Turner is getting soooo big! and i just love his hair. with his love of tractors and trucks, he and holden could be fast friends. i always love seeing pictures of your boy!

Aunt CC said...

so glad to see new pics, and thanks for updating us on his loves...what a blessing

mckenziegordon said...

Chass- I saw your new blog and remembered I told you at the picnic that I'd send you the link to my blog. So if you're still interested it's
Also I wanted to thank you and John for all of your hard work putting the picnic together. We so enjoyed getting to visit with you all and other families.

Annie said...

I love green popsicles too Turner! What a precious little boy you have Chass :)

Ashley L said...

Love the new pictures!! How is it possible he is getting even cuter!! Great post Mama! Love you!!!

Olga said...

My fav blog to read Chassidy- honestly, am always encouraged...thank you for writting!