Wednesday, February 15, 2012

15 months of blessings

Tomorrow our little princess will be 15 months old! Her personality is just as beautiful as she is on the outside.

Her sweet and laid back spirit is just like "K's"

Lydia smiles ALL THE TIME!!

She loves playing with anything that is Turners! Her favorite toys include balls, books, cars, baby dolls, blocks, and her baby stroller
She's got long-lean legs that are good for running around and around the house! She's going to be fast like her brother. If I turn my back for a second, she now can climb the stairs in 5 seconds flat! And giggles all the way up

She likes to color, take bubble baths and play outside. Especially if Turner will give her a ride in his wagon or jeep! She's talking up a storm! Her favorite words include daddy, momma, dat (that), more, milk, tank you (thank you), and ball ~She signs more and milk thanks to her big brother

She loves to dance, wear bows & head bands, clap her hands to music, give her daddy kisses, play with her Turner, love on Mercy & Lexus and EAT!

Boy does this little lady like to eat.

Her favorite foods are bananas, mango, raisins, strawberries, grapes, chicken, pop corn, shrimp, vanilla pudding, bread, spaghetti, peas, and blue berries

Lydia you are the perfect addition to our family! Your smile lights up a room and your eyes sparkle & make our hearts melt. I love watching you play with Turner - you have so much love for him! Jesus loves you sweet little girl and so do your mommy and daddy!

1 comment:

mckenziegordon said...

Love that baby girl in blue!!! Although I don't think there's a color that doesn't look beautiful on that mocha skin. I can't believe she's 15 months old!!!