I'm going to combine 2 blogs into one :) 1st, Turner started his 1st ever gymnastic class last week! It was a huge success and I look forward to seeing his progress over the summer!
This weekend we made a quick trip to Perryton to see my family! As always it was a fun filled weekend! Lots and lots of great food thanks to Lolly, the Perryton rodeo, and fun in the back yard!
This is the 1st summer in a LONG time where I haven't been knee deep in Dream Home season, and I have to admit I'M LOVING IT! I am so blessed this new opportunity at work came along!

Sister is sitting like a champ these days! Turner is getting so anxious for her to start crawling

A trip to Perryton isn't complete until you've eaten at Dixie Dog at least once : ) Aunt CC giving Lydia a "taste" of the best corn dog in the panhandle! Sissy wasn't impressed~

Every morning Turner helped Lolly water her beautiful plants! He'd get so excited to help!

Such a good helper

Last week Turner started Gymnastics at Star Academy....or as he calls it "Nastics" He was so excited that he started practicing early on his front roll the night before!

1st day at Gymnastics! Turner was a little wild man in the beginning but once his teacher gave the class these cool frog mats to sit on he was excellent! Just needed a little direction

Teacher Carissa assisting on Turner's front roll.

Waiting so patiently for his turn on the balance beam!

He may not be the next Bart Conner, but he sure had a BLAST! Looking forward to the next 9 weeks of classes.
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