This week was filled with lots of "B" words! All summed up with one "B" word-BLESSINGS!
Indeed we are!

Turner graduated from the tricycle to a real boy bike! After lots of research on daddy's part and in hopes that Turner is going to be a mountain biker- Daddy got Turner a Specialized Strider bike.

Every bicycle can't be complete without a really cool Cars helmet! Turner picked it out all by himself! He is so proud of his bike...he could hardly wait to get home and try it out! Notice, there are no pedals.

And yes, sissy was looking all pretty this week in her bows!

Today we celebrated
Braxton's 1st birthday party with his friends & family

How Blessed we are to still have a relationship with
Braxton & Molly
After his birthday bash we headed to the adoption agency to share our adoption journey with 8 couples who are beginning theirs! It's always so fun to tell our story

Jordan spent the week with us so he could attend
VBX "Under the Big Top" at our church. He had a BLAST and is already talking about next year.

and more BIG bows~ Lydia is so close to crawling. Today she started out on her tummy and when I came back in the room she was sitting all by her big self!

Brothers having FUN!
This week and weekend have been super busy~ looking forward to a quiet Saturday night and relaxing Sunday
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