Well today was Lydia's Gotcha Day! Oh how we have waited for this day that it becomes 100% official that Lydia is a Satterfiedl! We were blessed the 6 month waiting period was waived and we got to finalize a month early! Even though we knew nothing would change, it's so nice to have this special day behind us! We can all breath a little easier now :)

One HAPPY & BLESSED family!

Look at that grin on Turner's face! On the way to the court house, Turner kept yelling YEAH!! And raising his hands in the air! Even at 2 1/2, he knew today was an extra special day!

Standing before the judge, awaiting the final decree of adoption! We loved that Deidre, from Deaconess, was there as well to witness our special day! She is like family
~Just us girls~

Our attorney, Kevin, has a huge heart for adoption as he's adopted 2 of his children!

It's official! Judge Welch was so nice and super sweet to take pictures with us

All the people that made this adoption possible!

Turner was such a little champ sitting so quietly in the court room

We were so glad Mema got to come to Lydia's Gotcha Day!

I think she's a keeper!

Anxiously waiting to go to the court room!

The dress Lydia wore today belonged to our dear friends, Doug & CiCi. Over 20 years ago, CiCi bought this dress in hopes that some day she too would have a little baby girl. Well God blessed them with 2 handsome boys, both thru adoption. But for some reason, CiCi kept this dress after all these years. When our small group had a baby shower for us, CiCi gave Lydia the dress she had bought-she was just waiting for the right baby to give it to!

After a fun filled day at court- we all enjoyed the zoo! Sissy's 1st trip

It was so hot at the zoo - Turner thought he needed both him and daddy's sippy cups!

Proud daddy

One proud mommy~
This message was on a card given to us by friends and it wraps up how I feel-
Raising your own princess beats any fairy tale.
A lot of great big people can be wrapped around one tiny finger.
A toothless smile can light up the world like instant sunshine.
Watching her sleep is more satisfying than finding sleep yourself
And most of all....there is no greater joy than having a little girl to love!
Sweet Lydia- what a journey it's been~we wouldn't want it any other way! We love you little girl and are so blessed we are your forever mommy & daddy
I am so thrilled for you and your beautiful family. Cheers to a life time of love and happiness. Bless you all.
I am so happy for your family... Lydia is a doll :) I love you all amd cant wait to see you at the pep rally
Lydia, we are so very lucky to be your Lolly and Pops! God hand picked both you and Turner just for us, how very special he must have thought we were. Your smile and sweet laugh lights up the room. You are our little PRINCESS! We love you very much. See you Friday, Lolly
Great pics! We used Kevin too. All of it is such a blessing!!! So excited for all four of you,
Chassidy and John,
Just got the Deaconess newsletter and opened it up and saw the most precious picture ever and a wonderful story. Uncle Ronnie and I are so happy for your family. Love you, Aunt Rinday
Such a special day for a special family! The pics are great!!
Congratulations! On a side note, I'm surprised we didn't run into you guys at the Zoo.
We are so happy for you and the family. Yeah that you were able to finalize early 8-) Lydia is so beautiful and full of life. Congrats!
What a precious post! Your sweet family is beautiful!
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