What a fun and extra special Easter weekend we had! We went to Easter service on Saturday night then had a yummy dinner afterwards. We were blessed to celebrate Easter this year with Turner's birth mom, brother and sister! It was something I have dreamed about and was better in real life than I could have imagined.

When I was 3 years old (1980) my Grandma Rose gave me this little doll and I named it Lydia after my great grandmother....after all these years, my mom kept it and gave it to Lydia for Christmas. Is it a coincidence I was given a brown baby and named her Lydia over 30 years ago or did God already know I'd be blessed with a baby just like this...I think he was already planting seeds :)
Turner is really loving being a big brother! He wants to help with everything...including feeding "Idia"
And Lydia is such a good sport to let her brother feed her....he makes a big mess but it's nothing that a wet wipe can't clean up!
Well ABSOLUTELY AMAZING would sum up our weekend! While we missed being with Lolly, Pops, Grandma Judy and Aunt CC for Easter, we wouldn't trade our weekend with Charlene and the kids for anything. It's one of those precious memories we will cherish for years to come and hope we can make it a family tradition!

oh so cute! we had a blast when you all visited our room. we love you and will see you next weekend
what a great weekend for you guys! and the story about the babydoll made my mouth drop open. these are the stories our kids can cling to when we explain that God put our families through adoption. i think that babydoll is a powerful story for Lydia's life. so amazing!
Sounds like you all had a weekend made of memories! Love the pictures and your narration, Chassiday. We missed you all this weekend, but I know you had a very special one, too. Aunt Rinday
What a great update!! So glad you had a wonderful Easter! I can't believe your Lydia doll. We do serve an Awesome God!! Love you sweet friend!
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