What a fun filled weekend it was! I caught myself several times in a "day dream." I think about where we were at this point last year, and am BLOWN AWAY at all the blessings God has given us this past 12 months.
Here are some highlights from the 3 day weekend!

~Both Jordan and John caught catfish...of course Jordan says his was the biggest :) ~
Sissy again...all smiles! I'm not joking when I say Lydia smiles all the time! She is one happy sista
Some fun tummy time with Bubba
What's a long weekend with out John's famous pancakes and bacon breakfast!

Jordan & Turner love to assist John (or as he puts it, make a BIGGER mess)
We told Jordan if he passed 1st grade he could pick out a toy as his graduation gift to keep at our house....so of course, he wanted a bike and a helmet! So off to Walmart we went. We are so proud of him and extremely blessed he was able to spend the weekend with us. Turner could care less about Jordan's big boy bike, he was more entertained by the helmet!

Hope you enjoyed a glimpse into our fabulous weekend!
Too blessed to be stressed is my new motto!
you always capture every moment just right Chass! love yall and see you soon :)
Just wanna kiss Lydia all over! Such sweet smiles and sweet memories. You just have such a beautiful family!
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