It's hard to believe my little love bug is almost 2 1/2 years old! Oh what joy he brings to our family. Turner- you are so full of life and you make me giggle all the time!
So last night, I interviewed Turner again....I think you'll get a kick out of his answers~

What do you like to do outside? Baseball
What is your favorite movie? Cars!!!
What is your favorite food? Peanut crackers
Tell me a joke? Knock, knock -who there- cars....and then he dies laughing!..who needs a punch line anyway
Who is your friend? Cole, Mason, & Kathy
What is your favorite thing about our house? SNACKS! And he runs to the pantry to "shop"

What is your favorite toy? Race car
What is your favorite color? Pink

What do horses eat? Hay...Aunt CC, that one's for you :)
What is icky? Poop in my "biaper" & boogers..then he screams like a girl

What happens when you get in trouble?
Mommy say NO, NO, NO (and he's shakin his finger) and daddy say YES, YES, YES
Crack me up little stinker! Turner we love you to the moon and back. You're our spirited wild child, but you like nothing more than to snuggle and give kisses. You're beginning to be very independant and you now realize how cute you are! You can wink those big brown eyes and long eye lashes and almost get away with anything :) You are going to do great things sweet boy!
Climbing in his boots and diaper is just too cute! Precious pictures and answers from your sweet boy. He really is just super handsome!
I needed that Blog after the day I had! Turner reminds me that all of my kiddos were once so stinking cute too....Wait they still are, maybe I just was the pain today/ not them.
Turner your Aunt CC loves you "more than the stars."
CC and E
I love it!!! The pic of him climbing in his boots is classic!! Definitely made me smile!
Climbing a wall in Boots & a Diaper = priceless picture!
Turner, you make me laugh! You have such personality. I love you, Lolly
Love lifts us up where we belong. God bless you. See the power of positive thinking within you.
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