A week ago last night, our world was shattered. John's dad and my amazing father in law, Johnny, went to meet our almighty savior. Although much sooner than we were hoping for, we rest in peace knowing that he suffered very little and was surrounded by his 3 sons and wife when he took his last breath. There was more love in that room than you can imagine, and I'm certain Johnny felt every ounce of it. He will be dearly missed....but his legacy will live on for generations to come. We were so blessed to have over 6 years with Johnny since he was 1st diagnosed with cancer and were able to soak up every moment we were with him, not taking a second for granted.
~Here are some of my favorite pictures of Johnny, our dad, our grandpa, our role model, and our friend~

In true Johnny fashion, he was putting together toys as soon as the kids opened them. Johnny could put together and "fix" almost anything. That is one of the things I think my John will miss the most...when something wasn't working right, who needs a plumber, mechanic, or a electrician when you have Johnny
Satterfield in the family!

I'm so glad Johnny was able to love on our sweet Lydia...I will cherish this picture forever~ the way the two of them are
looking in each others eyes is priceless

Johnny honored God in every aspect of his life

His legacy will continue to be lived out in John as a husband and father

One of my favorite things about Johnny was he loved giving kisses. We never left his house without getting a kiss on the lips....oh how I will miss those kisses. When I left the hospital Monday night, Johnny had an oxygen mask on so I bent down and gave him a kiss on the forehead and he blew me a kiss from under his mask~even in his weakest moment, he always gave kisses

It breaks my heart that Turner won't grow up with Grandpa Satterfield around...John & I will make certain he remembers what a wonderful man his grandpa was

Turner loved his Grandpa to read him books

Johnny shared our joy & deep heart ache with
I'm so thankful we were able to take these family photos this summer....Johnny's pride and joy was his
grand kids. He was crazy about them and they were crazy about him

And his boys adored him...he wasn't just "dad" he was their friend

Proud grandparents ~Christmas 2008

Grandma & Grandpa meeting Lydia for the 1st time

Johnny-First of all thank you for being an awesome father in law any girl would dream of. You love me as if I am one of your own. But most importantly, thank you for being such an amazing role model and father to John. There is no doubt, John wouldn't be half the husband, father, and best friend he is if it wasn't for your influence on his life. Thank you for teaching him the importance of family, compassion, true love, honor, respect and living a God centered life. I will miss you more than words can express but await the day til we meet again! Sending a giant kiss to heaven
Oh Chas...this made me cry so hard. I am SO SO deeply sorry for your loss and we will be praying for each of you....
Sweet Chassidy, I am so sorry for your loss. We are thinking about you and praying for your family.
Wow...tears. Chassidy this had to be so hard to write. I can imagine you sat in front of the computer just mad you even had to write this one...but also wanted so badly to honor such an incredible man with a wonderful legacy. Love you sweet friend. So sorry for this pain and ache and the void left by such a sweetie. Praying for you, John, and your whole family. {{{HUGS}}}
As normal, crocodile tears rolled down my check this morning as I read your blog. As a distant family member, I can attest that Johnny was bigger than life.... I do believe God places such individuals on this earth for the purpose to better mankind and show the world how God meant to love one another...well Johnny did just that! Everyone knew what a great man and life he lived! I will too miss those kisses Sis. I am honored to have known this man and even more grateful his son John is your husband. I love you all so much and know as we speak, the gates of heaven are rejoicing for one of their finest angels has come home.
god bless you ...and your familia...
i dont think its a miss usa, but maybe a miss oklahoma
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