I can't believe little Lydia Kaye will be a week old tomorrow....it just doesn't seem possible! Several of you have asked how "K" is doing.....simply amazing. She has such peace in heart about her decision. We've spoken or text nearly every day since we left Tulsa. She goes to court next Monday, so please say extra prayers on her behalf that the judge shows her the grace and respect she so deeply deserves!
Here's the week in pictures:
Grandma and Grandpa Satterfield came for a short visit on Friday. We are so happy Johnny feels good enough to get out!
~Proud grandparents!~
~Proud grandparents!~
Can't you see the love in their eyes! I have the greatest in-laws in the entire world!
I have the best life ever!! Just looks at those smiles :) Who could ask for anything more
My sweet friend Candy was in town today for work so she stopped by for a little visit!
Pretty in Pink :)
Not only is Turner protective of his sister, but so is Lexus...she's guarding Lydia's crib!
Turner is still in LOVE with his "Idia" with a capital L.
He pulled up his step stool so he wouldn't miss out on bath time. He does the same thing when I change her diaper...he wants to be in the middle of the action!
I think he's advanced :) Not all 2 year olds can balance a back hole digger on their head :)
That smile melts my heart every time!
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for the match car construction trucks! Turner's been playing with them ever since you left!
Turner even shared Maxx with sissy...this is HUGE...he doesn't share Maxx with anyone :) He said, "Here sissy"
Such a little snuggle bug
Dry Ice fun!
My Memphis co-workers sent us Corky's bbq....it was such a nice treat~ Turner was a big fan of the chocolate pie and dry ice!
Well what a perfect week for Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for. We are looking forward to all of our family coming over on Thursday to spend the holidays at our house and to love on Turner and Lydia. I hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving
Well what a perfect week for Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for. We are looking forward to all of our family coming over on Thursday to spend the holidays at our house and to love on Turner and Lydia. I hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving